Help Farmers Develop Marketing Plans and Processes to Improve Revenue and Ensure that Their Products Are Sold

Who can implement this: Communities, universities, governmental organizations, advocacy organizations, and agricultural producers

Marketing is a key aspect of agricultural production that is often overlooked. Marketing plans for farmers need to be substantial and holistic. Farmers and ranchers may benefit by expanding their knowledge of product marketing and not relying wholly on farmers markets or any one avenue for product sales. Using varied distribution channels may help farmers and ranchers better market their products and see increased revenue. To be successful, however, these marketing and selling methods require the support of other producers as well as the overall community.


  • Universities and farm organizations should engage agricultural producers to support their marketing efforts. Together, they should explore different avenues of delivering agricultural products to consumers, taking into consideration the unique conditions of different communities.
  • Utah County and its cities should partner with farms to improve the farms’ product branding and marketing plans. Such improvements could give the farms more exposure and help elevate the prestige of the city and county as a farming community. Governmental newsletter lists and communication networks could be used to inform residents about the farms and products.
  • Utah’s Own is an organization that provides farmers a unique avenue for advertising products and getting local crops on more store shelves. Utah’s Own should continue reaching out to farmers and help raise public awareness about agricultural products that can be bought locally.


Rural Development of the USDA administers Rural Business Development Grants that can be used to help producers market products, package them in new ways, and develop new product lines.[1]

Utah State University Extension hosts seminars and classes that educate farmers, ranchers, and other business owners about issues crucial to owning a small business. These topics range from problem solving in entrepreneurship to developing marketing plans.[2]